A Bit About Me

I grew up in Bergen County, NJ and now reside in Hudson County. I became a working musician and music was my life for the majority of my adult years—both performing and on the production side. During those years, I always had a camera on hand. In 2003, I decided it was time for an artistic change. I updated to digital gear and off I went. Following my instincts while honing my skills, I roamed the New York City streets four, five, six days a week often for eight hours a day photographing whatever caught my eye.

Since 2003, I have photographed concerts, fashion shows, portraits, you name it, but my real passion lies in the streets and the lives of urban dwellers. Whether I’m photographing the soul of the city or nostalgia in the suburbs or in rural America, I am compelled to capture a slice of everyday life…for there is magic everywhere if our eyes our wide open to it.

Onstage as a musician, I was amidst the center of attention creating an energy that people could feel. As a photographer, I’m behind the camera, invisible, and life on the street is what generates the energy. I am now the one capturing the essence of this energy rather than creating it.

My mission now is to create timeless photographs that evoke an emotional response—a body of lasting work that may inspire others to experience what I felt when I snapped the shutter. I will be releasing work mostly from 2003 to present in addition to photographs from the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s weekly while continuing to shoot daily.


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